chucktilbury's picture

I am sure that I am not the only one who has ever tried this, but I have been looking for days and I can't seem to find a formula to get this done. 

What I want to do is to have at least 3 separate pages (the number will change over time) that have different blog topics on them. The pages will be connected to menu items in the primary navigation menu. The pages will look just like the home page, but with different blocks. 

So, specifically, I have been trying to do two things: 1) connect a layout and a page 2) connect a content type and a block

I have been trying to create a custom block that can hold an image, a title, and text content in that order. And then create a layout with that block in it and a page using that layout. Maybe I am going about it all wrong. I have not been able to find anything about doing these things. That's usually an indication that it's a dumb idea.

I am not really stuck on a particular format. I just want to document my projects which include very different topics, such as software, electronics, 3D printers, and other stuff.   Any help is appreciated.


Hi chuck

There are a few ways to do this. 

You could create a layout page where you define the URL in the layout and put the blocks on. You would need to add to the menu manually.

You could create nodes then use layout overrides to apply the same template to these.

You could create a view page with contextual filters

Layout visibility can be set by:

  • page (either URL or node ID)
  • role, permission or user
  • content type
  • language
  • Home page

There will be a few instruction videos in the Instructional Videos of the BackdropCMS YouTube channel.

You should be able to do what you need.  

chucktilbury's picture

Well.... I have been over the docs a couple of times now, and I am no closer to a solution. I am a little bummed because I also want a forum and a contact page. I am seriously questioning if I can use backdrop. Someone who is more knowledgeable probably can prolly sneeze the answer, but I am having serious difficulty with it. 

I keep dead-ending where it comes to creating a block with a specific type of "Post". I have tried a bunch of different approaches with content types and stuff. I can create a layout the way I want. There does not seem to be a way to clone the "Promoted Content" block and add some filter terms. That would fix me. A "Custom Block" appears to only hold static text without actually doing some programming. I am real close to giving up and looking at other CMS.

@chucktilbury - There are just enough moving pieces to your request, that it's a bit difficult to be helpful without a better sense of what you have tried and why it didn't work. 

1) You can easily create custom layouts for specific nodes, specific content types, specific views, etc. If you don't know how to do any of these specific things, let us know and we can answer that specific question.

What I want to do is to have at least 3 separate pages (the number will change over time) that have different blog topics on them. The pages will be connected to menu items in the primary navigation menu. The pages will look just like the home page, but with different blocks. 

It would seem like you could accomplish this with a specific layout for blog posts. You can categorize your blog posts with taxonomy terms and then create menu links that take users to the specific taxonomy term page for each term. 

If necessary, you can create custom layouts for specific taxonomy terms. If that is the problem, let us know and we can describe how to do that. 

I have been trying to create a custom block that can hold an image, a title, and text content in that order. And then create a layout with that block in it and a page using that layout.

This is the part, I'm not fully understanding. Backdrop does allow you to create layouts with specific blocks for fields. If you don't know how to do that yet, maybe try this short video: At Backdrop LIVE today someone gave a demo of this module, that allows you to create a block with node tokens that gives you a lot of power to create custom displays with node data. I don't have a video for that yet, but will try to work on it. I think there should be an easier solution for you, but if not, this module might prove helpful.

I strongly recommend that you try dropping in during our office hours (see right column). We have volunteers that can probably help you with this problem. I'm also willing to set up a 20-30 minute Zoom call to talk through your problem with you. Find me in our Zulip chat channel or ping me at NOTE: We have all been super busy the last few days with Backdrop LIVE. It's over now, so we might have more time.