I'm wondering if there is a feature in core or a contrib module that will give me a veritical menu block, similar to the ones shown here, that does not reqire custom theming.
Hm, without Basis (directly or as a base theme), everything should work out of the box. If you use Basis, the issue is the following definition from core/themes/basis/css/component/footer.css:
Thanks @argiepiano, that did the trick!
For anyone else trying to build a form that enables selection of webforms with block capability, this is the answer:
//return array of webforms...
The actual query would look like this (untested):
$query = db_select('node');
$query->addField('node', 'nid');
$query->condition('node.type', 'webform');
$query->join('webform', '...
Posted11 hours 58 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Two routes to do this:
Load all webform nodes (as you are doing) and then loop through the array of nodes and check if $node->webform['block'] is TRUE. If not, remove the node...
Posted12 hours 1 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Finally tracked down the instructions I needed...
I had to manually clear several cache tables...
The Nice Menus module gives me something close to what I want, except it definitely needs a bit of theming.
Hm, without Basis (directly or as a base theme), everything should work out of the box. If you use Basis, the issue is the following definition from core/themes/basis/css/component/footer.css:
.l-footer .menu > li {
float: left;
In that case, theming is necessary, I guess:
.l-footer .menu > li {
float: none;
Place menu blocks or content blocks into the footer and apply to the parent container
.l-footer-inner {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
.l-footer-inner > div {
width: 25%;