I am trying to get a View to have only a selective range of referenced content in it's exposed filter, but not having any joy so far.

This is the scenario:

Content type of Organisation can have one or more Roles. Each Role has a field; organisation; which refers to the Org it belongs to.

I built a View listing the Roles, and can expose the field:organisation belonging to the role. This gives me a select box listing all of the Orgs, not just the ones that have roles attached. 

Using entity references from another View,   I managed to get the select box to be just those orgs with roles, but submission of the search with only an Org selected that I know has roles would result in an empty result set, so I figured that I must be doing it incorrectly. Any clues? I'll paste the View export below.

Most helpful answers

I think a possible solution is to use two entity reference fields, one in orgs pointing at roles, and one in roles pointing at the orgs they belong. This way, you can use the filter on the roles entities pointing at the orgs, so it will only show the orgs that this field belongs to. 

There is a very helpful module in D7 that allowed you to automatically set the second reference field, whenever the first field is created: Corresponding Entity References. So, for example, you can "link" the two fields, so when you save an Org that points at a specific Role, the entity reference in the Role will be saved, pointing at that Org.

I don't think CER is ported, but we could look into it. I used that module in several sites.

Hi @onyx

I'm afraid I haven't looked at your view definition as its huge but from your initial description I think a module I recently ported could help with your use case.

Other View Filter allows you to filter using the results of another view. I did a similar thing to you but with events that had one or more dates on and I needed to display in a particular way.


    "_config_name": "views.view.roles",
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    "description": "",
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    "disabled": false,
    "base_table": "node",
    "human_name": "Roles",
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Hi @onyx

I'm afraid I haven't looked at your view definition as its huge but from your initial description I think a module I recently ported could help with your use case.

Other View Filter allows you to filter using the results of another view. I did a similar thing to you but with events that had one or more dates on and I needed to display in a particular way.

@onyx - have you accidentally posted the full view twice? I can delete one if they are identical or if one is wrong?

Yes please, delete. Akismet broke when I pasted it, due to the size. And thanks, will check out your module!

Whilst that module is a handy one to have, it does all the filtering for you; I still need to have a Select for the Org, so that the user can choose the Org by name. Thanks anyhow, mate.

I think a possible solution is to use two entity reference fields, one in orgs pointing at roles, and one in roles pointing at the orgs they belong. This way, you can use the filter on the roles entities pointing at the orgs, so it will only show the orgs that this field belongs to. 

There is a very helpful module in D7 that allowed you to automatically set the second reference field, whenever the first field is created: Corresponding Entity References. So, for example, you can "link" the two fields, so when you save an Org that points at a specific Role, the entity reference in the Role will be saved, pointing at that Org.

I don't think CER is ported, but we could look into it. I used that module in several sites.