Description of the need In Drupal 7 / Panels you could choose to show or hide a content pane based on whether a User context was equal to the logged in User context. This panels access plugin allowed you to create a 'my own dashboard' separately from the global dashboard, or to show people their own blocks, without showing that block to anybody else.

Now that we have a dashboard in core, I suspect more and more people are going to notie that this feature is missing from Backdrop.

Proposed solution We should copy the User: compare visibility rule and turn it into a Visibility condition for the Backdrop block/layout system.

Steps To Test

To reproduce the behavior: 1. Apply the patch from (or test in the sandbox) 2. Create a layout at the path user/% -- confirm User context is automatically added. 3. Scenario 1: Place a block I can only see on my own page a) Place a custom block (text: my own page) b) Add a visibility condition User: Compare c) Select First User Logged in user account d) Select Second user User account from path (position 2) e) Select Grant access if the two are The same user account f) Save 4. Scenario 2: Place a block I can only see on someone else's page a) Place a custom block (text: someone else's page) b) Add a visibility condition User: Compare c) Select First User Logged in user account d) Select Second user User account from path (position 2) e) Select Grant access if the two are Different user accounts f) Save 5. Save the layout. 6. Visit your own user profile -- see your own block 7. Visit someone else's user profile -- see the other block

Please do not merge this until has been merged

PR by @jenlampton:

GitHub Issue #: