When creating a webform, in E-mail Reply-to address. I chose a component from the example email form. Then I sent the response to the anonymous consultant. but now it sends everything to the site's email or puts noreply
Hi Cris. Welcome to the Forum. I'm not sure I understand your problem or question. Can you provide more details? Perhaps post a photo of the settings of the webform?
I can confirm that I attempted to install this (UserPoints module) on a fresh site and got a fatal (white screen) error.
Checking to see if we can unpublish this module from backdropcms...
I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
Posted8 hours 32 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi Cris. Welcome to the Forum. I'm not sure I understand your problem or question. Can you provide more details? Perhaps post a photo of the settings of the webform?