When creating a webform, in E-mail Reply-to address. I chose a component from the example email form. Then I sent the response to the anonymous consultant. but now it sends everything to the site's email or puts noreply
Hi Cris. Welcome to the Forum. I'm not sure I understand your problem or question. Can you provide more details? Perhaps post a photo of the settings of the webform?
When I corrected this, I got the following error message:
I would start the upgrade process again from scratch, this time making sure all correct modules are in the right...
Posted1 hour 29 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
This issue was first raised in Drupal 7 in May 2011 so it actually pre-dates Backdrop itself.
I raised it in the Backdrop...
Posted1 hour 38 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
I also placed the Drupal stub version of ubercart into the modules folder rather than the Backdrop one.
When I corrected this, I got the following error message:
An AJAX HTTP error...
What I have posted is the entirety of the error message.
I do get some other error messages that show up in the course of running the update script. I'll check on what version of Entity...
Hi Cris. Welcome to the Forum. I'm not sure I understand your problem or question. Can you provide more details? Perhaps post a photo of the settings of the webform?