Thanks for the helpful hints ! I found a simple script provided by OSTraining meant for Drupal 7 and I try changing some api names to backdrop and it works for me. Let me know if there's any issue with this way of working or better codes to be done. Thanks !
Replace "mypassword" with whatever you want to use as the password. The script accesses the backdrop password function and changes the password for you.
Step 4: Uninstall the PHP script and login
One you're done resetting passwords. Be sure to uninstall the php script you created by deleting it using FTP or your file manager.
Notes: This is successfully tested on backdrop v1.8.0
Rather than the tricky route, I went for MVP;
Now what I'd like to understand, is how to make these Statuses available as a Field and thereby within Views?
They are being saved...
And if I implement things in this manner, is there a parent-child ajaxian form demonstration (ala taxonomy creation)?
Not sure exactly what you have in mind, but all layout settings forms are...
Posted1 day 4 hours ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Further to this, I see too many issues using Taxonomy to do what I want. So I'm considering how to make a similar situation with config_set variables.
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One way to do this is with
To use
with Backdrop install the Backdrop Drush Extension or use a tool like Lando that includes drush with it.There are also some scripts in the core/scripts directory that can help with resetting passwords.
Thanks for the helpful hints ! I found a simple script provided by OSTraining meant for Drupal 7 and I try changing some api names to backdrop and it works for me. Let me know if there's any issue with this way of working or better codes to be done. Thanks !
Here the steps:
Step 1: Create a short PHP script with code below
Step 2: Upload the PHP script to the main/root backdrop directory
Step 3: Use the PHP script from your browser address bar
Step 4: Uninstall the PHP script and login
Notes: This is successfully tested on backdrop v1.8.0