I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
Posted1 hour 13 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi, I have not managed to solve it, I have tried another module but it works badly, so for the moment I will leave it as it is. I will continue later. Thanks for your help
It looks like the minify module is not properly processing your JS and HTML files. Have you checked the file paths and permissions to ensure they are accessible? I remember, that once I faced...
Yes, the easiest way do do this would be with Layouts. You can add a "Visibility condition" to the menu block that checks a User's role.
Start on the Layouts UI at admin/structure/layouts, and click "Manage Blocks" for the default layout.
For whichever menu you'd like to hide, click on the "Configure" link at the right.
When the modal opens, csroll down to the "Visibility conditions" section at the very bottom, and pop it open. Click on "Add visibility condition"
Then select the User: role option.
Then select the user role "Authenticated" if you only want people who are logged-in to see the menu!
Note that you will need to repeat these steps for all layouts where you want the block limited by role.