I am seeking to control browser behavior. How do I add autocomplete="off" attribute to the title text field of a content type? Is there a contrib module?
I noticed this one for Drupal: https://www.drupal.org/project/no_autocomplete. However, I want to have this control over any text field, especially the title field, of any content type.
This is a pretty basic thing to do when building pages in html and adding the attribute to the input tag. How are you doing it on Backdrop? Are you doing it with jQuery by adding a javascript file to the *.info file in the theme?
Hi stefano,
In Backdrop we have hooks for that. In your case it would be hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
In your theme's template.php add:
Where "YOURTHEME" should be your theme's name.
That should do the trick.