Not sure why I'm having a problem on such a seemingly simple thing. I have defined node/2 as the front page and the Home breadcrumb goes there. I manually created my menu with some links. I then went to Structure --> Layouts --> Home page --> Manage blocks and added the block named for my menu in the main content region. I tried both without a visibility spec (it's the home page payout, right?) as well as with a "Is home page" condition. Neither way do I see my menu on the front page. One thing: clean urls is not enabled - need to talk to company sysadmin about that. But it's the home page, so wouldn't think that would be an issue. Any ideas?
Your not wrong. This is confusing.
I don't think I have run into this before, but I can see that when you specify node/2 as the home page (here: admin/config/system/site-information), then the home page becomes node/2 using the default layout (Backdrop uses the default layout for nodes out of the box, but you can add a custom layout for nodes) NOT the homepage layout.
In a sense, when you change the home page on admin/config/system/site-information, you are actually choosing to NOT use the default layout template for home page.
I have to think a bit more about why this is AND how we can make this less confusing.
In the meantime, one alternative solution would be for you to add a NODE BLOCK to the home page layout instead of redirecting to the node directly.
1) Go to admin/structure/layouts/manage/home
2) "Add block" = "Existing Content"
3) Configure existing content block
This will display your specific node content on the default HOME layout.
I suspect that the reason for this confusion is that the original home page setting on admin/config/system/site-information existed before Backdrop CMS implemented our current layout system and that we just haven't dealt with the conflict yet.
There is an issue in the issue queue that indirectly addresses this issue, please feel free to comment there with ideas and/or frustrations. The more comments we get on an issue, the more likely it will be addressed or fixed.
Thanks, I assumed of course that the home page layout applied to whatever page/url I defined as the home page in site info config. Now I'm wondering how I turn off the menu block title. Since it isn't a custom block, I don't see a place to enter <none> for the title.
I added a Primary Menu block to my header. This would be the default menu block provided by core. I am not noticing that any "Title" is displaying. If I try to edit the block, I see this option = "Block title Type."
Mine is set to default and no title is showing, but there is also a "none" option. Do you have this available? Does it do what you need?