The admin bar disappeared after I updated to 1.29.3. I had also updated to the most recent Gin admin theme, so the first thing I tried was switching back to Seven. Same thing. This was across multiple layouts, including the default admin layout. I could still access the admin pages directly.
It came back after I disabled and then re-enabled the Administration Bar module. Just wanted to mention it in case anyone else is experiencing the same behavior.
Possibly, clearing the caches again might also have fixed the issue, but too late for me to tell at this point.
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Success! The culprits were views.view.uc_orders_user.json views.view.uc_orders.json views.view.uc_customers.json Thanks again for your help. Dan
Unable to edit layouts
Thanks. I need to leave soon for a couple of hours. I want to have all the time I need to add Bee. As soon as I get back will install .
I would like to get rid of the Login link at the top right corner, but no clue how to
You can install in a few ways: Git clone git clone Then add an alias You can download the phar file from the latest...
I would like to get rid of the Login link at the top right corner, but no clue how to
Thanks, I'm looking at it now, can I install from cli or is it best to dowload zip into home directory and extract?
I would like to get rid of the Login link at the top right corner, but no clue how to
There is a Wiki for it here: . Any queries, just ask (I'm the maintainer of bee)
I would like to get rid of the Login link at the top right corner, but no clue how to