In a Drupal 7 site I am trying to estimate/migrate, it is using the Breakpoints and Picture modules.  These allow us to switch an image preset to another preset depending upon the users device size.

Is there anything similar in Backdrop that can be used?  Seeing that neither can be found, I wonder whether there is a standard solution to this I just haven't found yet.

The closest option I have found is which sadly does not appear to have a release candidate yet to use.

Thanks for any advice you can give, Dan


Hi Dan,

I just released a beta version of srcset_image so that you/others can test it. I'd love more feedback to make sure it works properly and is ready for a full release.

Meanwhile, if you are comfortable with GitHub, its always a good idea to run the D7 module code through Coder Upgrade and start a repository, and let the Backdrop community know. Then it makes it easier for someone to finish porting it.