Login toboggan is 'ported', but apparently never tested. hook_user_update has exactly one parameter in backdrop cms, but function logintoboggan_user_update uses three. I fixed it leaving only one, and submitted an issue in ghithub.
If I recall, Login Toboggan also has some features that can be removed from the module since they are now included in Backdrop core (such as ability to login with email address, maybe others).
Thanks guys, that worked.
Although I did get this output:
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 91 bytes in content_access_update_1002() (line 134 of /home/crm/domains/...
Under Form Settings > Advanced settings
Yes, for Authenticated users only. Though I wonder (I haven't had need so haven't tested) if the other option to automatically save as draft...
Posted11 hours 11 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
A fix was put into 1.29.3 which should enable you to do an in place upgrade, and so no need to use FTP. It fixed a problem we found with upgrading at civihosting.com
Thanks for doing that. That maintainer might no longer be involved. I can look into adding your fix and look for a new maintainer.
If I recall, Login Toboggan also has some features that can be removed from the module since they are now included in Backdrop core (such as ability to login with email address, maybe others).