Rogelio's picture

Hi, if you change any color in the Basis theme then save settings, the Apply button turns black and there is no way to return its color or change it to another

I thought it was a CSS problem on my site but I tried two others and the same thing happens, then intall a new one to test but the same thing

  • install a new site clean
  • create a block or page with exposed filter in Views
  • Appearance / Basis settings, change any color and save


Backdrop 1.21.4


Hola Rogelio.

Yes, that's an unfortunate side effect of the Color module. It's a bug. You may want to open an issue in the Backdrop issue queue.

The way Color works, is (I think): it rewrites your css and puts it in the files/color folder. Basically it performs a search for specific color hex values defined core/themes/basis/color/ and rewrites them using a definition array found in that same file. The problem is that the target background color for the button happens to either not be switched, or switched to the wrong color. 

In some instances I have resorted for disabling Color, and doing the customization manually (it's best to create a submodule so that you don't change the original Basis css).

I think someone may be able to fix this bug if you post in the queue. Good luck!
