Please use this topic to suggest agenda items for our weekly meetings.
This week we will be having a Design and User Experience meeting, followed by the Developer meeting.
There's a Backdrop Q & A section at the end of each meeting that is open to everyone. See more information about our weekly meetings.
Here is a topic for the next Design/UX meeting. Just needs a little discussion to push it along.
I need feedback on this one:
Here is a CSS issue that needs a bit more discussion:
Needs discussion:
Interesting, needs discussion:
This issue is seeing some progress, but there are some questions that might benefit from a UX discussion.
We might want to talk about this issue at the dev meeting (if someone is available to speak to the issue and what needs to be done):
Support SVG in Image Library
SVG's are a great topic for the design meeting, but also for the dev meeting.
Two currently active issues related to SVG overlap a bit when it comes to security aspects. to add the icon library, which needs to sanitize inline svg. adds support for svg in image fields (formatter) and also (currently) provides an option to display svg inline - hence adds a sanitizer for that.
Both are great candidates for Backdrop 1.28.
The sandbox of the latter PR contains some sample svg to demonstrate handling of "dangerous" SVG files:
@indigoxela - I agree, I mentioned the SVG topic specifically for the dev meeting. I think we'll definitely want Nate involved in that discussion. Good call!