I have enjoyed reading the posts here (now closed) and the Configuration documentation here.
Having come to Backdrop from Drupal 6,7 and 8, and having developed scripts to quickly create a Drupal 8 site and upgrade using Composer when required, then push/pull to Dev and Production. I decided to do the same for Backdrop using the 'Versioned staging directory' method. I have put the whole lot on GitHub if anyone is interested here.
My system will create a Backdrop site in under three minutes. Makes it easy to clone sites and also upgrade Core.
I have found that it helps me avoid making mistakes. I hope I am not stepping out of line by talking about it on the Forum, but someone might like to use it or adapt it somehow.
I am aware the actual scripting might not be the most elegant, but it does work.
I welcome any feedback.
That's really cool!
You might consider envoy too to help with automation of your deploys; https://serundeputy.io/lando-envoy-automate-your-deploy-steps
Well @serundeputy I do like the look of Envoy. I have not heard of it before.
I agree ref the cat walking across the keyboard. That really does happen to me from time to time.
Say no more!
I will have a good look at Envoy when I have finished decorating the sunroom. Being able to run stuff without having to actually ssh into the server looks very useful.
Thanks a million for the information.