Yes! Although I'm pleased that many contrib themes offer a custom.css file, I'm looking for a good start theme, without too many clutter, such as adaptive theme in drupal.
But perhaps I should just start installing and playing with some themes and see how they suit me.
I think it's generally accepted that we could use more activity in the area of themes for Backdrop CMS. I'm hoping to contribute some time working on Backdrop CMS themes and/or recruiting others to do the same.
If your interested, look me up (stpaultim) or post a note here. We'll probably host a Backdrop CMS Virtual User Group meeting on this topic sometime soon.
Issue fixed: I had taken out the check_markup on the email body text when we were testing and kept looking past it (needing to put it back). Adding it back resolved the issue.
Thank you...
but I'm still getting my head around flexbox
It's interesting you mention flex box.
My journey during the long pending d7 eol had taken me into css...
Hi Dan.
Can you check Reports > Recent log messages and see if there are any warnings or errors logged in there?
Also, check the Browser's console right after you click "Add block...
Posted5 hours 51 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Really good feedback. Thank you. If you don't get along with CKEditor 5 you may want to try TinyMCE. I'm shifting most of the sites I manage onto it.
For SimpleAds you could add a request...
Posted11 hours 59 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
Yes! Although I'm pleased that many contrib themes offer a custom.css file, I'm looking for a good start theme, without too many clutter, such as adaptive theme in drupal.
But perhaps I should just start installing and playing with some themes and see how they suit me.
I felt the same way at first. Until I realized that with the separate Layouts, changing themes was actually quite basic in many ways.
But I think more themes would certainly be helpful.
I think it's generally accepted that we could use more activity in the area of themes for Backdrop CMS. I'm hoping to contribute some time working on Backdrop CMS themes and/or recruiting others to do the same.
If your interested, look me up (stpaultim) or post a note here. We'll probably host a Backdrop CMS Virtual User Group meeting on this topic sometime soon.