Hello, I have recently migrated a site from Drupal 7 and the last step was to try to install civicrm. This module worked fine and was updated before migration.
But when I installed civicrm, running setup, the process returns that installation was succesfull but clean URLs doesn't work only in civicrm pages.
Civicrm link appears in admin bar but clicking gives page not found error. If I add manually '?q=' at the beginning of links they work, but buttons does not, and civicrm admin bar isn't showing.
I tried to define Clean URLs variables = 1 on civicrm.settings.php and settings.php without success. Clean URLs work in all links of the backdrop site.
I think I'm bringing a mistake or misconfiguration from Drupal 7 migration but I don't known how to resolve this.
I would appreciate any advice.
searching in the apache2 error.log I saw:
[Tue Jan 26 14:15:46.726049 2021] [negotiation:error] [pid 16679] [client] AH00687: Negotiation: discovered file(s) matching request: /home/(...)backdrop/civicrm (None could be negotiated)., referer: http://(...)backdrop/?q=civicrm&reset=1
Then I searched the web and found this post that explains that in the line
of my virtual host configuration (file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/backdrop.conf) I should delete the word "MultiViews".
I restarted apache and civicrm links started working.