Well I've resisted long enough to write here to ask for assistance but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the Biblio module to do what I need it to.

First of all, I went through the open and closed tickets on the Github page, looked for threads on here, I looked on threads over on Zulip, I installed the dev module and I'm not really sure how it works for anyone else but I'm expecting a configuration page under Configuration > Content authoring > Biblio but Biblio doesn't get added to the menu and if I try to force my way to admin/config/content/biblio, I just get redirected to admin/config/content. I thought perhaps because Backdrop does things differently from Drupal in some ways, it would be located somewhere else but there does not appear to be a way for me to configure Biblio.

Basically that means all the Fields I had defined for the Biblio content type of field type "biblio" are not visible. In practice, all my biblio pages are nothing more than a header and that's about it.

I know some (most?) extension are not technically supported but it seems nothing in the module really works as intended. I'm not sure if anyone has any clue, but I figure I'd ask anyway. Hopefully some of it makes sense.


 jeanloup_sasa, I'm not sure I understand what you are experiencing. Can you see the new content type added by the module by default?


Is your site a clean installation or a D7 upgrade?

Yes I can see the content type but it has half of the fields missing because yes it's a D7 upgrade

I'm not familiar with Biblio, never used it, but it seems like there is no direct upgrade path from D7 to Backdrop for that module. "This module reproduces some, but not all, of the functionality of the Drupal Biblio module."  So, it's possible that, if the D7 defined new field types or if it used dependencies not avaialble in Backdrop for those fields, they will not appear. Hopefully someone who uses it will be abl to respond here.

Can you try posting on the Backdrop Zulip channel? You'll most likely get a quicker response to a question like this.