Hello, everyone,
I'm setting up a blog within my existing website, but want to make it possible for a few other people to also have a blog on the site. I've read as much as I could find on the topic here and elsewhere, but I'm still unsure about a few things. (And I've never used the blog content type or module.)
For my own blog, I want to have an overarching title with all my own blog posts under it appearing by the daily or weekly title. It seems that it can only appear under my name instead of a title. Would a layout be the solution here?
I could do that by setting the content type URL pattern, but then it would be the same for each blogger, so that won't work. Could I / Should I duplicate/clone the blog content type for each blogger?
Also, the link at the bottom of each post automatically goes back to blogs/[author:name]. Instead, I would like it to display and link back to blog's main title page, but I can't find were that link is being generated.
Is all this only possible to do by using Views? (Seems like that would add a lot of complexity.)
Would much appreciate any insights.
This can be done with any Content type.
You can set "Default URL alias pattern" for Content type of "/blog/[node:author:uid]/[node:created:raw]" (short and beautiful unique path) and path "/blog/[node:author:uid]" will be used for the page of all user-ID entries (you need to create a specific Views page).
You can change the Content type settings "Display Author and Date Information" - remove "By [node:author]"
and create Views block "About Author" with Author information (avatar, Bio and more), place it under the record of the blog with link (/blog/[node:author:uid]) to all publications of this author.
The link to the main page of the blog is obviously better to put on the main menu. For your own records, you can create a separate page of Views (using the user filtering) and change the heading every day.