Hello to all,
when enabling the captcha module challenge for the simplenews subscription page, the captcha-div is placed between the two buttons (subscribe/unsubscribe), which is confusing and "ugly". Could somebody please tell me how to place the cpatcha below the second button?
Thanks and best regards


Without captcha:

 With captcha:


Accepted answer

It should be possible to do this using CSS.  Depends what the surrounding bit of code looks like:

order: -1;

would put it after if the surrounding div has flexbox.

Or possibly with transform

I tend to rely on antibot, which does a great job for me so I don't really have to worry about captcha placement.

See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-reorder-div-elements-using-css-only/




It should be possible to do this using CSS.  Depends what the surrounding bit of code looks like:

order: -1;

would put it after if the surrounding div has flexbox.

Or possibly with transform

I tend to rely on antibot, which does a great job for me so I don't really have to worry about captcha placement.

See https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-reorder-div-elements-using-css-only/



Thank you very much for the "order -1" hint, that works. And yes, I also use antibot, I just wanted to try and have an alternative...

Best regards