Congratulations for solving this on your own. Please, keep using the forum to ask questions. Maybe next time, we'll be able to help you before you figure it out on your own.
Solved. There was a function in my template file that made attachments automatically open in another window. Still have to figure out why it was giving Bd such a problem but… I also still don't...
Sorry if this got posted twice. For some reason it didn't seem that the post was working?
I've given the view the machine name but it's not an option in the string when I...
Yes, see for where this was added, but you're probably just better off running
bee help install
for details.Here is the bee command I'm using now within ddev (remove "ddev" if not using ddev):
ddev bee install --db-name=backdrop --db-user=backdrop --db-pass=backdrop --username=admin --password=pw1234 --site-name="Demo Site" --auto
For more info, run:
bee help install