Happy Birthday Backdrop CMS! Thanks to the team for everything you do and I'm glad to be part of the people who have been using this system since version 1.1 :))
I have built more than 100...
Posted1 hour 50 min ago by Antony Milenkov (amilenkov) on:
I have a handful of projects I have migrated from Drupal 7 sites, and a number of new sites I have built. Here's my list:
Twin Cities Amnesty https://twincitiesamnesty.org...
Posted1 hour 51 min ago by Wilbur Ince (Wylbur) on:
I'll start!
My company Triplo, has been building Backdrop CMS sites and upgrading Drupal 7 sites to Backdrop for about 6 years now?
Here are a few of the Backdrop sites we have...
This issue is a different one that I thought was solved but it appears not -- I've reopened the issue here:
Yes, see https://github.com/backdrop-contrib/bee/issues/53 for where this was added, but you're probably just better off running
bee help install
for details.Here is the bee command I'm using now within ddev (remove "ddev" if not using ddev):
ddev bee install --db-name=backdrop --db-user=backdrop --db-pass=backdrop --username=admin --password=pw1234 --email=test@email.com --site-name="Demo Site" --auto
For more info, run:
bee help install