I have this alias for Drupal, which I can convert to Brush (working okay), but it's borking on no role table:
alias lastaccess='drush sql-query "SELECT u.uid AS UID, from_unixtime(u.access, '\''%m/%d/%y %H:%i:%s'\'') AS '\''Last Access '\'', RPAD(u.name,15,'\'' '\'') AS '\''Name '\'', SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT r.name ORDER BY r.rid SEPARATOR '\'', '\''), '\'','\'', 3) AS Roles FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN users_roles AS ur ON ur.uid = u.uid LEFT JOIN role AS r ON r.rid = ur.rid GROUP BY u.uid ORDER BY access DESC LIMIT 5"'
Output in Drupal is:
UID Last Access Name Roles 229 08/05/20 12:22:57 adfgovich1 subscriber 14 07/29/20 13:01:43 sadfster9 affiliate 230 07/29/20 11:51:55 bkvhs1 tester 77 07/07/20 20:04:13 Michaelasdf administrator, coordinator 74 06/18/20 14:27:54 aiovbb1062 administrator, coordinator
Any existing guides on how to convert that into the Backdrop config stuff for roles no longer having a table?
Edit: As what I pasted was from an alias (with all the extra escaped single quotes), hosef’s conversion below (accepted answer) probably won’t run as straight SQL. As such I cleaned it up and also removed role ordering, as role weights are now in the config file, so ordering isn’t really useful. End result is:
alias lastaccess='brush sql-query "SELECT u.uid AS UID, from_unixtime(u.access, '\''%m/%d/%y %H:%i:%s'\'') AS '\''Last Access '\'', RPAD(u.name,15,'\'' '\'') AS '\''Name '\'', SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ur.role SEPARATOR '\'', '\''), '\'','\'', 3) AS Roles FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN users_roles AS ur ON ur.uid = u.uid GROUP BY u.uid ORDER BY access DESC LIMIT 5"'
PS: It's still an alias, so to run as straight SQL remove all the escaped single quotes, which is a pita I know ;)
In Backdrop the role ID is the machine name of the role now. In your query you can get the name by using GROUP_CONCAT on user_roles.role.
This should be close to what you currently have for Drupal.