Hello everyone,
I searched this info across the forum and looked after a solution in the docs but without success.
How can we precisely customize the post teasers? I am not only talking about the three manageable rows but also how to move or remove the comment button, or customize the "Read more" one (position, color, background, etc).
Thank you for your help.
@Leo - I don't know if there is a single answer to your question, but maybe a few options that will depend upon your specific situation.
1) Are you aware of the Manage Display options for teasers, by Content Type? This will help a little bit, but will probably not meet all of your needs.

2) If you are displaying a list of teasers using views, you will have a lot of options through views. You can create a list of teasers, or you could create a list of fields - and include the teaser text as one field, but use views to customize what else you want to display on the list.
3) If you are building a custom theme, you can override the core node.tpl file in your theme and name it node--post--teaser.tpl.php. This will overwrite the core node template anytime you print a post teaser. Here is a link the file you would use in the core respository.

This is realy powerful, but also requires some light coding. If you need more help on how to use a template file to configure something like the teaser, let us know.
This screenshot is showing helpful template suggestions provided by the devel module. Enable "theme debug" in the devel module to get this feature.
4) You mentioned turning off comments. Some of the configuration options for comments can be found on the Content Types configuration page. I'd have to do more research on what is included in the default Post teaser, before I can say more about how to make more changes.
OK, I found that by default there is a "Post Comment" link included with the teaser on the front page of a default Backdrop site, if comments are enabled for that node.
These can be disabled in the view. If this is not enough control, you might need to go back to editing the node.tpl.php file option.