I'm working on the events site for Backdrop CMS and would like to allow users to flag discussions that they are interested in. I have the flag configured (working locally right now) to show up on each discussion node page. 

1) The flag by default is located near the bottom of the node. Is there anyway to position the flag near the top of the node page (other than creating a new VIEW to customize the display of the discussion nodes). 

2) Is there any way to show the total number of folks who flagged an item (again without views).  I think I can answer both of these problems with views, but am first checking for other solutions. 


I've not really looked at the Flag module, but if it's just interested in a topic you are looking to register then have you looked at the Poll module?

Hmm, of course, Poll wouldn't work, you'd have to create one for each topic :-(

@DrAlbany - Since you haven't had the opportunity to use it yet, I look forward to showing you the flag module sometime soon. It's really a quite powerful and versatile module for community websites.  It can be used for voting, liking, bookmarking, flagging inappropriate content, or recommending quality content. It's what we use here in the forum to "accept", mark as "helpful", or flag SPAM. Part of the power of the flag module is how nicely it integrates with views. 

I got it to do most of what I want on the events site. I was just having some difficulty positioning the flag indicator exactly where I wanted it in the way that I remember doing in Drupal 7. I'm still not quite there, but it will work the way it is if necessary (or I can resort to something like custom templates). 

I suspect 1 and 2 could be achieved via a custom node template.

I tried creating a view block with a contextual filter to show the flag count and that worked.

But, to place the block I had to disable the content field and use field blocks. This would have been good, but this broke the css and I didn't have time to deal with that, so I reverted and will look at this issue again later.

jenlampton's picture

Try adding something like this to the node template:

 print flag_create_link('bookmarks', $node->nid);