I have a view listing a content type using one repeating_dates field (thx @indigoxela). The content type has some nodes choosing repeating, and some nodes choosing "Do not repeat". It is the same field.
What I can't get to work is a node disappears from the view after it's date has passed.
This is because the the only way I have found to get a multiple field node to display only one instance, is to filter thedatefield:delta (= 0).
But that includes all the single dated nodes, past + future, as all are delta = 0.
What works for the single dated node, is using the filter of either thedatefield start or end >= now.
But that keeps multiples with delta = 0 showing up, since their delta = 0 is in the past.
I've tested many filter group options, grouping variations of these filters with -And Or- Operators.
Enabling Distinct or aggregation is no help.
In D7, it worked by filtering Date (node). This only includes core date fields to check, the repeating_dates field doesn't show up.
What are other ways to get a multi repeating_dates field to show only one?
Thanks for posting. This helps me understand a bit better your situation. I think your best chance is to post an "enhancement" or "feature request" issue in the Repeating Date github issue queue.
I noticed this module uses Views "standard" date handlers. Since this is a special field, it would make sense for the maintainers to extend some of those to support features like what you are asking. Since this is a module that was created for Backdrop and the maintainer is a very active developer, you have a good chance to get heard.