Was not sure whether to post this on Forums or on issue queue for Devel module. Trying here first.

In my D7 site which I am in the process of converting, I have a Devel module provided block which lists several useful Devel tools. I have not been able to find this block on Backdrop. Has it been removed or did I overlook it somewhere?

These are the links that are provided on D7: Clear cache Devel settings Entity info Execute PHP Code Field info Function reference Hook_elements() Menu item PHPinfo() Rebuild menus Reinstall modules Run cron Session viewer Theme registry Variable editor

Some of these are in the Backdrop Admin -> Development menu, but not all.


Accepted answer

Even better solution is to use those links to create a custom menu.

Most helpful answers

Well, this is really relative. You can't export the links in a custom menu (you can export the menu definition but not the links added to it AFAIK).

With Custom Blocks, you can export the exact content and import it into your other sites without having to recreate the menu.


Backdrop's Devel module doesn't provide this block (which is basically a collection of links). It does provide "Switch user" and "Execute PHP" as blocks, though.

It'd be easy to "reconstruct" this missing block by creating a Custom Block (do it on this path: admin/structure/block) and adding the links manually. Then you can place it in different layouts and even export it to other sites.

@argiepano - OK, thank you.

Yes, I can do that ... just unexpected that the block is broken. :)

@argiepano - Sorry, I'm having trouble locating some of the items on the list of old links. E.g.

Entity info - though there is a Devel tab on nodes (only) that shows this Field info  Function reference Hook_elements() Menu item Rebuild menus Session viewer Theme registry Variable editor

Was the block removed because many items of functionality in it were removed (or maybe moved elsewhere)? Or are these things still there but in a different url?


In Backdrop some of those menu items have been moved.

Visit admin/devel/info in your Backdrop site and you'll see several of those new paths. Or even better, examine the function devel_menu() inside devel.module

@argiepano - Thank you! I will do that.

Even better solution is to use those links to create a custom menu.

Well, this is really relative. You can't export the links in a custom menu (you can export the menu definition but not the links added to it AFAIK).

With Custom Blocks, you can export the exact content and import it into your other sites without having to recreate the menu.