May I know if backdrop vulnerable to the Log4shell/Log4j (CVE-2021-44228) in any stage or version or third party plugin found vulnerable to this ? Is there any official statement from backdrop on this ? I need a firm answer on this. Thanks.
Backdrop is definitely not vulnerable because of Log4j. Log4j is a Java component; Backdrop doesn't directly use Java, it's written in PHP, HTML, and JavaScript, with a smattering of scripting languages and configurations.
Note: I don't speak officially for Backdrop, but I'm pretty confident about this.
Tried and successfully applied DrAlbany's method with the form hook. I also encountered the same situation. Thanks DrAlbany
Since before migration you need to prepare the Drupal site - disabling and removing all modules, disabling themes, as part of the preparation you can clear the cache and logs, delete the search...
QuickTabs is now available!!!
But does not work as expected, already reported (
Maybe an alternative solution using Views...
SKU = Stock Control Unit... meaning an easy way to identify stock...
Depending on the type of stock item you have, would dictate the SKU.
So, for example, in the IT industry,...
Backdrop is definitely not vulnerable because of Log4j. Log4j is a Java component; Backdrop doesn't directly use Java, it's written in PHP, HTML, and JavaScript, with a smattering of scripting languages and configurations.
Note: I don't speak officially for Backdrop, but I'm pretty confident about this.
I'm glad to hear this. Thanks for your affirmation.