Hi, I am running through the steps of migrating a drupal 7 site to Backdrop, currently using copies of everything while I figure stuff out.

When attempting to run the upgrade from /core/update.php, I am getting this error about content_access:

"content_access module can not be updated. Its schema version is 7103. Updates up to and including 7104 have been removed in this release. In order to update content_access module, you will first need to upgrade to the last version in which these updates were available."

Yet I am using the very latest version of content_access on the drupal site, which appears to be this one:


Am I misreading this somehow?

Accepted answer

Good point. Yes, there is a dev version that contains that update hook:


The solution then is to upgrade the D7 site to that dev (7.x-1.x) version and run update.php in D7, then migrate the site to Backdrop.


That's a bug in Backdrop's content_access. Can you please create an issue in that issue queue?


You can fix that temporarily by editing Backdrop's file content_access.install and changing the return value of content_access_update_last_removed() to 7103.


Check if there's a dev version of Content Access for Drupal 7 which includes a 7104 update hook -- sometimes ports are done from the dev versions which are ahead of the most recent release.

Thanks guys, that worked.

Although I did get this output:


    Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 91 bytes in content_access_update_1002() (line 134 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in content_access_update_1002() (line 136 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).
    Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 91 bytes in content_access_update_1002() (line 134 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in content_access_update_1002() (line 136 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).
    Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 91 bytes in content_access_update_1002() (line 134 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in content_access_update_1002() (line 136 of /home/crm/domains/backdrop.crm/public_html/modules/content_access/content_access.install).

That doesn't look promising. If you check your migrated Backdrop site, can you still see the content access rules you had in your D7 site? 

The errors might be a bug that needs to be reported in the B's content_access issue queue.

No, I had to set up the content access rules from scratch, including checking the box for node specific rules. Fortunately there were only a few.

Sure, I could set up an site on my server for testing this.