Hi, I am running through the steps of migrating a drupal 7 site to Backdrop, currently using copies of everything while I figure stuff out.
When attempting to run the upgrade from /core/update.php, I am getting this error about content_access:
"content_access module can not be updated. Its schema version is 7103. Updates up to and including 7104 have been removed in this release. In order to update content_access module, you will first need to upgrade to the last version in which these updates were available."
Yet I am using the very latest version of content_access on the drupal site, which appears to be this one:
Am I misreading this somehow?
Good point. Yes, there is a dev version that contains that update hook:
The solution then is to upgrade the D7 site to that dev (7.x-1.x) version and run update.php in D7, then migrate the site to Backdrop.