I am currently in the process of converting a Drupal 8 site to Backdrop. I still have to solve a major problem. When a user successfully logs in, a menu item must be displayed with which he can edit a page assigned to him. The assignment takes place via the entity reference field field_zugehoeriger_chor in the account settings :

The entity reference refers to a corresponding entry with its own node type:

In the previous Drupal version I created the menu link in the following form:

Unfortunately, this no longer works under Backdrop. I get an error message that the path is invalid:

Apparently you cannot use tokens for path input in Backdrop. Since it is essential for the simple and intuitive use of the site that users can update their data immediately and directly, I would be grateful for any advice on how such a link can be realised in Backdrop. Thank you very much.
Glad to hear you have a workaround, even if the effort is high!
In the meantime I have posted a Port request for Menu Token. Hard to say if anyone will work on it; I'll keep my fingers crossed.