I've gotten several questions about what the commerce options are for BackdropCMS and in fact have asked this question myself in the past, but I can never quit remember the answer. I'm opening up this discussion to talk about how people are integrating simple commerce solutions into BackdropCMS? 

What modules or integrations work best?

Most helpful answers


I've tested Basic cart and found it a very good solution for an online store without online payments. But I've only done tests, I have no experience with a real working site.

Most Promising looks Ubercart:


I congratulate the community for the work on Ubercart project! This is exactly the project that corresponds to the philosophy of Backdrop.

But Ubercart I have also not yet used in a working Backdrop site.

My assessment is due to the experience I have with real sites with Ubercart and Drupal Commerce with Drupal 7.

Ubercart is relatively easy, but Drupal commerce is promising, but  very complex to configure and poorly documented. With countless unworkable, undocumented and abandoned modules.

But I have to mark two more projects in development, I do not know how far they will go, but I observe them periodically:



Good luck!






This is what I've found so far on my own:

Basic Cart Module https://backdropcms.org/project/basic_cart

Simple PayPal Donate https://backdropcms.org/project/simple_paypal_donate

Stripe API https://backdropcms.org/project/stripe_api

Stripe Checkout https://backdropcms.org/project/stripe_checkout

UberCart https://backdropcms.org/project/ubercart

A version of the Commerce module (incomplete): https://github.com/codewombat/backshop

Any other ideas or suggestions?


I've tested Basic cart and found it a very good solution for an online store without online payments. But I've only done tests, I have no experience with a real working site.

Most Promising looks Ubercart:


I congratulate the community for the work on Ubercart project! This is exactly the project that corresponds to the philosophy of Backdrop.

But Ubercart I have also not yet used in a working Backdrop site.

My assessment is due to the experience I have with real sites with Ubercart and Drupal Commerce with Drupal 7.

Ubercart is relatively easy, but Drupal commerce is promising, but  very complex to configure and poorly documented. With countless unworkable, undocumented and abandoned modules.

But I have to mark two more projects in development, I do not know how far they will go, but I observe them periodically:



Good luck!




mazze's picture

I have done several D7 commerce projects and still love the software. However, the concept is rather old, several modules still beta after years.

I might have mentioned this before in this forum... for futures SMB shops, the "decoupled" method could be a very good fit. It's not opensource and it's fee-based (2%), but these cart-only solutions could be a very good fit for bringing my client's shops to the next level

https://www.ecwid.com https://snipcart.com/ https://foxy.io

The great thing is that I can start building the shops in D7 an move them to Backdrop later. At the moment, the Backdrop search functions are not sufficient for e-commerce, but maybe we can port Search API and Facet Search to BD.


[Update from October 2019]

I did tests with the products mentioned above, they did not really support my use cases enough. I started working on a Drupal 8 shop demo also, but this thing is... well, Drupal 8 is  pretty different indeed, as we all know. As for Backdrop CMS, I will check Ubercart for simple shops, but I am still not sure what to do with my customer's comprehensive D7 shops in the future.

I recently learned that the most recent dev version of the Stripe module has webform integration built in. But, this has not yet been released and is not well documented. 


I did a simple experiment and was able to create a very simple payment form using this module and webform without much trouble. 

To me this is the key to about any CMS’s viability.  And even D7 doesn’t get it right.

As others have said Commerce is disorganized and seems to routinely drop support for modules and profiles.  As well, Ryan has explicitly stated that the Commerce profiles they do provide are not guaranteed to be have timely updates for security fixes.  Unfortunately you basically have to use a Commerce profile as there are so many non-Commerce patches to core and other contributed modules, that Commerce must have to work, that it is basically non-functional out of the box.  Ignoring the patch requirements, Commerce is also so convoluted that without an installation profile to start from, it’s an enormous time sink (40+ hours for a basic site sales) to setup.

Ubercart, which you must use sub-modules for about any normal functionality, has issues with its sub-modules working well together.  Case in point, UC Recurring Payments and Subscriptions (uc_recurring, abandoned) will not work with the Ubercart Affiliate v2 (uc_affiliate2).  Which brings up, AFAIK, to get recurring payments you either need to create it yourself or use a third party cart system.   # # #

Pretty much every D7 client I have uses a basic cart system on their Drupal site to feed an external payment processor like Authorize.net or PayPal (and some even have to use things like 1shoppingcart.com in addition to get the functionality they want).

# # #

IF!/When? BD ports the full Commerce module sphere and adds a security guarantee for at least one Commerce profile, then BD will have an E-Commerce Solution.

Best, Michael


Thanks everyone for sharing your research. I believe sharing knowledge helps to learn. I really appreciate that.

I don't know where to post this alert, but it's related to this topic, so I'm posting here:

On the Backdrop Modules page https://backdropcms.org/modules

by entering "Basic cart" in the search box I get "No results found."

However, if I search only for "cart" - not only basic cart but also other modules related to Ubercart are displayed.

Work has begun to port Ubercart documentation to a Backdrop CMS site focused on Ubercart for Backdrop. 

Please, check it out. 
