I have a content type called "File" that has a entry field that is using a Entity Reference to set the page the file is connected to (so it will display on the selected page).  The list displays fine on the entry screen but when I go to save it, the selected value in the Entity Reference disappears and is highlighted "red" and now no values appear in the dropdown.  I had added a Contextural Filter to the Entity Reference to get the nid for a given page from the URL and auto-filter the list to a particular page.  This filtering works fine but, again, when attempting to save the entry, the selected value disappears and there are no items in the dropdown field.  


@nhunt - what widget are you using?

I'm doing a comparable thing on one of my sites, I have Autocomplete (Tags style) and it works.

It's possible that the widget is the problem.

I was using Select List.  I switched it to Autocomplete but still see the same behavior...the selected value disappears when attempting to save the entry.

 I had added a Contextural Filter to the Entity Reference to get the nid for a given page from the URL and auto-filter the list to a particular page. 

Do I understand from this that you are using a view of pages to populate the field? Is it an "Entity Reference" Display within the view.

So you have a node edit form for a "file" node. I wonder if the contextual filter is the problem; you are creating the relationship, so how will a list of pages be filtered by the nid of the "file" you are editing?

Can you export the view config and post it here?

Yes, it is an entity reference within the view.  The strange thing is that I am using this same field in other content types and it is working fine.

    "_config_name": "views.view.connection",
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                "sorts": {
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                "arguments": []
        "entityreference_2": {
            "display_title": "Entity Reference",
            "display_plugin": "entityreference",
            "display_options": {
                "query": {
                    "type": "views_query",
                    "options": []
                "style_options": {
                    "grouping": [],
                    "search_fields": {
                        "title": "title"
                "pager": {
                    "type": "some",
                    "options": {
                        "items_per_page": "0",
                        "offset": "0"

Created a new view/entity field with same data and added it to this content type and it works fine.  It has a Contextual Filter and it works fine as well.  Scratching my head as to the issue the original entity field was having...I went back to other content types where I am using it and it is working fine.  I saw in the logs where it was showing errors when I was using this view/entity reference on this content type:

Invalid option 446 in Connection element.

446 was the value from the URL being used by contextual filter...again same field is being used in other content type without issue...

Also...using Select List widget and it is working fine

Odd. I'm glad you've got it working.

Thanks @yorkshirepudding for the assistance!