I have created a layout module, '3-column-top-footer-layouts' (boxton 3col footer), works fine but when updating errors are generated. They have the only effect that the user have to remember taking the site out of maintenance. But it is annoying. Could anyone help me figure out where the problem is?
The errors:
An AJAX HTTP error occurred. HTTP Result Code: 500 Debugging information follows. Path: https://paradentoseoplysning.dk/core/authorize.php?batch=1&id=19&op=do_nojs&op=do StatusText: error ResponseText: Error: Call to undefined function layout_reset_caches() in LayoutUpdater->postInstall() (line 223 of /home/haurdaln/paradentoseoplysning.dk/core/modules/system/system.updater.inc).
Continuing, this shows up:
Warning: Undefined array key "log" in installer_authorize_update_batch_finished() (line 192 of /home/haurdaln/paradentoseoplysning.dk/core/modules/installer/installer.authorize.inc).
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in installer_authorize_update_batch_finished() (line 192 of /home/haurdaln/paradentoseoplysning.dk/core/modules/installer/installer.authorize.inc).
Warning: Undefined array key "log" in installer_authorize_update_batch_finished() (line 241 of /home/haurdaln/paradentoseoplysning.dk/core/modules/installer/installer.authorize.inc).
Update failed! See the log below for more information. Your site is still in maintenance mode.
Next steps
Your projects have been downloaded and updated.
Run site updates
After running site update and taking site out of maintenance all is fine, layout upgraded and functioning.
Recent comments
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps? I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates. Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check...
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I sent you a note on your website Thanks
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