My Backdrop CMS web sites doesn't display update information anymore event on a simple site with no external modules.
- Debian 12
- Apache 2.4.62
- PHP 8.3.17 (including openssl)
- Backdrop CMS 1.30.1
As user 1, Reports > Available update > List available update displays : "backdrop 1.30.1 … Failed to get available update data".
The message generated in the logs shows :
https://updates.backdropcms.org/release-history/backdrop/1.x?…………… failed with error: Connection timed out.
This same url (logged in the message) works when used with wget and curl, on the server, ran by the user running the web site. It downloads the same xml content I can get with a web browser on my workstation.
Tips and directions to investigate would be welcome. Thanks in advance.
PHP Openssl is missing perhaps?
I know you've stated that it's there, but if it's having issues loading for any reason, it will fail with updates.
Try doing a phpinfo(); call to check it is loaded.
You can easily check
by going to the Status Report (admin/reports/status
) and clicking the link against the PHP item:Thanks for the suggestions !
site/admin/reports/status/php reports that the OpenSSL module is present :
But the directives related to CA have no value set :
Is it a problem to get Backdrop update information ?