Q: Is it possible to convert from the Vertical Tabs area of the form to the Field area? Scenario: I have a node type that can only show one of the Vertical Tabs to the user role ( Publishing Options "status" ), and hide all others. This creates a situation which looks like this:
Which is similar, but not the same, as the Accordion Items I have as fields above it. So is there a way I can move these into the fields area via simple conversion?
I have looked at what is available via DPM, and "status" is a direct Array, whereas the Accordianed Fields are Objects which have totally different mapping.
Hi onyx,
it's always possible to adapt forms by hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
A simple example, as I don't know your setup:
Where "foobar" should get replaced with the name of your custom module.
Above example may not fit your use-case 100%, but what it does:
You may need to adapt it for your setup, for example check the node type, check for a different role...