If you allow users to create accounts on your Backdrop CMS site, it's not uncommon that account verification emails get blocked along the way and a user contacts you as site admin asking for help.
I sometimes take the easy route and simply create a (short, but random) password for them, send them the new password in a personal email and request that they change it once they login.
I'm sure that there are better ways to handle this?
Are there any contrib modules that allow you as admin to generate a new or resend an existing verification message?
Any ideas or suggestions?
EXTRA INFORMATION: In my current situation, the site is using Sendgrid to manage outgoing email from the server. Sendgrid is telling me this:
The <userserver.com> server blocked this message from being delivered. While we won't try to send this message again, we will attempt to send new messages to this address in the future.
I don't think there's such a thing as an 'existing verification message', as these are one-off messages for security.
I couldn't find any existing Backdrop modules for this, but I'm sure there's plenty for Drupal that could be ported: https://www.drupal.org/project/project_module?f[3]=sm_core_compatibility...
I had an issue with one user not getting password resent emails. Do we know why these emails are not going through? I am hosting on Pantheon and we are not using SendGrid currently. I will appreciate any pointers.