I have a page, for example node/3, which in admin/config/system/site-information is defined as “Path to use for the home page”
However, Google Search Console does not want to index this page - node/3 - for the reason "Page with redirect".
There is no redirect set at all in admin/config/urls/redirect (this is a brand new site) and so I assume the redirect is from using node/3 as the homepage.
So I wander if there an error in the site settings?
So far, I have set node/3 not to be included in the xmlsitemap (Inclusion = Exluded) and at the same time I have set node/3 - Canonical URL = /.
I would be very grateful for advice on whether I did the right thing and if not - how to do it correctly.
I will add a little.
1. You can exclude a page from XML Sitemap in the form of page editing (/node/3/edit).
2. The XML Sitemap module should not adapt to the user circumstances, maintaining its flexibility of the settings.
3. I always did not like to use some page for the Home, and fortunately in Backdrop you can use separate Layout (/home by default).