Hello. I tried to find out myself, but forgive me for my stupidity, pages like this 
tell me absolutely nothing (why is documentation always so inhumane?).

In short, all I need is to add the phrase “user-scalable=no” to the “viewport”, otherwise my theme does not behave correctly on mobile devices. Please, tell me the right way to do this (if possible with detailed comments, I hope this will be useful to many).

Accepted answer

I think the function you actually want is hook_html_head_alter

Something like:

function theme_name_html_head_alter(&$head_elements){
	$head_elements['viewport']['#attributes']['content'] .= ', user-scalable=no';

This adds it to the existing content of the viewport meta tag.


I think the function you actually want is hook_html_head_alter

Something like:

function theme_name_html_head_alter(&$head_elements){
	$head_elements['viewport']['#attributes']['content'] .= ', user-scalable=no';

This adds it to the existing content of the viewport meta tag.