How do I create a custom layout template? Is it as simple as grabbing one of the core layout templates and then modifying it? If so, where do I put it? I'm sure this is fairly easy, just haven't done it before.
Yes, you can copy an existing layout from root/core/layouts modify it and put it into your own layouts directory in Backdrop root directory root/layouts/.
Also, you may be interested in the new flexible layout templates feature that has been added to Backdrop CMS v. 1.14 (less than one week old). This new feature allows you to create custom layout templates in the UI of Backdrop. I hope to create a video this weekend on flexible layout templates and will post a comment here once I do.
EDIT: I have posted a 10 min video tour of new features in Backdrop CMS 1.14. A significant portion of the video is about the new flexible layout templates feature.
Posted4 days 15 hours ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) in Weekly Meetings
Recent comments
Hello @NumerousHats,
I agree with your assessment. I am looking into this situation right now.
The root of this problem is that Backdrop CMS is implemented on top of a "stack" of...
Posted1 day 23 hours ago by Graham Leach (Graham Leach) on:
I just installed a Backdrop CMS site with version 1.27.0. I then used the user interface to download and update Backdrop CMS to 1.30.0.
After starting the update process, and on the...
I believe my permissions are set up correctly, as I can install modules from the UI. But for whatever reason, I can't update them.
I will, however, double check against that documentation.
I'm not sure if this is helpful, but here are pages in Backdrop documentaion about server level permissions.
Just ran into this issue while upgrading modules on a site I'm setting up.
I'm confused.
Does this mean that /modules needs to be owned by www-data? (Not just that www-data...
Yes, you can copy an existing layout from root/core/layouts modify it and put it into your own layouts directory in Backdrop root directory root/layouts/.
For more info, see:
Also, you may be interested in the new flexible layout templates feature that has been added to Backdrop CMS v. 1.14 (less than one week old). This new feature allows you to create custom layout templates in the UI of Backdrop. I hope to create a video this weekend on flexible layout templates and will post a comment here once I do.
EDIT: I have posted a 10 min video tour of new features in Backdrop CMS 1.14. A significant portion of the video is about the new flexible layout templates feature.