On Drupal 10, I have the following setting enabled in my settings.local.php. What is the equivalent in Backdrop please?

$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';

(I'm getting an error from EntityPlus, but I'm pretty sure the problem is in my custom module, and I need more info to find where the problem is.)


Accepted answer

@leeksoup, you can try using Devel and going to /admin/config/development/devel and select Krumo backtrace in message area. This should print a backtrace (but not in the error log).

As for the error, this is common in Entity Plus. It usually happens when you use a metadata wrapper, and try to get or set a property that was not defined. In this case, it looks like you are trying to get or set taxonomy_state, which is not defined anywhere. Where did taxonomy_state come from?

Most helpful answers

If taxonomy_state was an entity reference field, then you can typically set it using the prefix field_, as in $wrapper->field_taxonomy_state = SOMETHING


Try $config['system.core']['error_level'] = 'all';

Thanks, @laryn! Trying now ...

Hmm, that didn't change the output at all. All I'm getting is this:

EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property taxonomy_state. in EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo() (line 342 of /var/www/backdrop1/modules/contrib/entity_plus/includes/entity_plus.wrapper.inc).

Unknown data property taxonomy_state.

@leeksoup, you can try using Devel and going to /admin/config/development/devel and select Krumo backtrace in message area. This should print a backtrace (but not in the error log).

As for the error, this is common in Entity Plus. It usually happens when you use a metadata wrapper, and try to get or set a property that was not defined. In this case, it looks like you are trying to get or set taxonomy_state, which is not defined anywhere. Where did taxonomy_state come from?

@argiepiano - Thank you, that works. :)

I came to the same conclusion re taxonomy_state, though I was initially confused what a "property" was. :) In this case it was supposed to be an entity reference field name. Found the spot where it was happening and added some handling for it to my module.

If taxonomy_state was an entity reference field, then you can typically set it using the prefix field_, as in $wrapper->field_taxonomy_state = SOMETHING