Experimenting with this and found that simply adding the .json file a config directory in the module seems to work, I assume the same might be true for themes.
Thanks guys, that worked.
Although I did get this output:
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 91 bytes in content_access_update_1002() (line 134 of /home/crm/domains/...
Under Form Settings > Advanced settings
Yes, for Authenticated users only. Though I wonder (I haven't had need so haven't tested) if the other option to automatically save as draft...
Posted10 hours 30 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
A fix was put into 1.29.3 which should enable you to do an in place upgrade, and so no need to use FTP. It fixed a problem we found with upgrading at civihosting.com
Experimenting with this and found that simply adding the .json file a config directory in the module seems to work, I assume the same might be true for themes.