A client asked for a better was to warn editors if they are viewing a revision.

I'm not sure how important it will be for this client to tell the difference between a unpublished node and a revision, but I can see where it might be helpful.

We have a class for "unpublished" content and use that to provide some light shading behind content that is NOT yet published. How about a class for "revisions"? 

I'm not seeing any. Is there an easy way to add that class, without custom code?


Hi Tim. Yes I think at the moment it needs custom code:

 * Implements hook_preprocess_node().
function theme_name_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
  if (!$variables['is_active_revision']) {
    $variables['classes'][] = 'not-active-revision';

It may also be possible to do without that function doing a wildcard search for part of a class as there seem to be classes that include the word revision.