I currently look after 97 Backdrop sites... 37 Drupal sites that need migrating... 17 WordPress sites... 23 tiny HTML sites (holding pages/simple intros) a few Wix and Squarespace sites...
Having built around 25 websites in Drupal 7, I have been delighted with the process of upgrading them to Backdrop CMS over the past couple of years.
Most notable are the following...
Posted12 hours 54 min ago by Martin Jones (nattyweb) on:
That worked well and saved me a lot of hassle trying to reformat the view and css! Brilliant!! I hadn't thought of adding a tooltip... makes so much more sense once its pointed out.
Webforms are actually a new content type created by the Webform module.
On the Admin Bar go to Structure > Content types > Webform > Configure
Then select the Display...
Posted13 hours 10 min ago by Martin Price | System Horizons Ltd (yorkshirepudding) on:
If you check here:
you will see 385 available officially projects, excluding core that means 384 modules.
But if you add modules that are moved to core - https://backdropcms.org/user-guide/features-added-core - 62 items - it results that 384 + 62 = 444 Drupal7 modules have been ported to Backdrop CMS.
At least for my understanding.
I don't know whether some of available modules are not ported but new, created first for Backdrop.
Thanks :)
There are over 725 modules listed on BackdropCMS.org right now.