In hook_install() of your module define the appropriate array (name, label, pattern, module, hidden) and add it to default date settings with: system_date_format_save($date_format)
Then add hook_uninstall() to remove the formats when the module is uninstalled.
willof, I have submitted a PR that will allow you to install the module. Can you please check it?
You'll need to patch the module BEFORE trying to enable it.
Posted3 hours 31 sec ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
This is strange, and may be a bug. Have you tried using the token in other contexts, just to test? For example, installing Token Filter and using the token in the Body field of the node, to see...
Posted10 hours 40 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
This is a known issue that will be solved in a few days. See the issue and PR here:
It has already been merged into the 1.x...
Posted12 hours 10 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Never mind, I figured it out.
In hook_install() of your module define the appropriate array (name, label, pattern, module, hidden) and add it to default date settings with: system_date_format_save($date_format)
Then add hook_uninstall() to remove the formats when the module is uninstalled.
I guess, my question is answered. ;)