Is there a way to not display the "Backlinks" tab on nodes? Most of my site pages are dynamically generated using Views, so obviously they won't show up as backlinks. 


Accepted answer

I think that is created from a view rather than a module or part of core. Perhaps it was on your original site.

Perhaps it is called Backlinks and it will have a menu path of /node/%/backlinks

Find in your list of views and disable it.  Once you're sure you don't need it you can delete it.


I think that is created from a view rather than a module or part of core. Perhaps it was on your original site.

Perhaps it is called Backlinks and it will have a menu path of /node/%/backlinks

Find in your list of views and disable it.  Once you're sure you don't need it you can delete it.

@yorkshirepudding - thank you! There was a View named Backlinks which was disabled on my original (D7) site but was for some reason enabled in the Backdrop version. Maybe I should check the rest of the Views and make sure only the ones I want are enabled.


Yes, several views that were disabled in D7 came over to Backdrop as enabled. Perhaps that is related to the file permissions issue I had with the config directory.