Well in my haste to work out how to display full file names in the Image Library (File) view I made a rookie mistake and forgot to first copy it before making changes. I've back-tracked and reset the Format to unformatted list but I've lost the correct Settings.

Can someone give me the correct settings so it displays properly, (plus field settings in case I've messed them up too).

Finally, can anyone advise on how to display full file names so I can pick the correct images for my paragraphs - because my file names all start with a manufacturer name (say, Creaks_Advertising) that's often all I get displaying under each thumbnail image and my eyesight ain't that great now I'm in my 70s!

Accepted answer

Hi @ian If you go on the admin bar to Configuration > Development > Configuration manager > Single Import/Export > Import Then paste in this:

    "_config_name": "views.view.image_library",
    "name": "image_library",
    "description": "Displays recently uploaded images for selection when creating content.",
    "module": "filter",
    "storage": 2,
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Hi @ian If you go on the admin bar to Configuration > Development > Configuration manager > Single Import/Export > Import Then paste in this:

    "_config_name": "views.view.image_library",
    "name": "image_library",
    "description": "Displays recently uploaded images for selection when creating content.",
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                        "relationship": "none",
                        "group_type": "group",
                        "ui_name": "",
                        "label": "",
                        "empty": true,
                        "content": "<p>No available images.</p>\r\n",
                        "format": "filtered_html",
                        "tokenize": 0
                "hide_admin_links": true

Thanks! I've done that and restored everything back to the original condition.

I'm  not sure I understand all that is in the snippet but I'll work on understanding what is happening.

Can you enlighten me as to where the template file is (if there is one) or is it managed by css?

If you install the Devel module, you can easily enable "Theme debug" and then you can see where everything is coming from and also get hints for what to call a template in your theme to override it.

I think you can probably do what you need with CSS, but you may need a different display format.  Or in the view, maybe add a title to the image that is the filename so it shows on hover?