The Backdrop CMS community has been planning to integrate an installation of CiviCRM to for a while. I've decided to get the ball rolling by attempting to add CiviCRM to a local version of BackdropCMS, using Lando.
I seem to be having problems connecting to the database. Here is the portion of the of the 'lando info' return related to the civiccrm database.
{ service: 'cividatabase', urls: [], type: 'mariadb', healthy: true, internal_connection: { host: 'cividatabase', port: '3306' }, external_connection: { host: '', port: 3309 }, healthcheck: 'mysql -uroot --silent --execute "SHOW DATABASES;"', creds: { database: 'cividatabase', password: null, user: 'root' }, config: {}, version: '10.3', meUser: 'www-data', hasCerts: false, hostnames: [ 'cividatabase.borg.internal' ] },
I'm on the CiviCRM installer page and getting this message "Does the server exist? Can't find the a MySQL server on 'cividatabase'.: Connection refused"
So, what do I put in here to help CiviCRM installer find the database?
I found this blog post, but it doesn't seem to answer my question:
@laryn - I though of that too, but was too lazy to try - until you prodded me.
The problem is that the blog post I referenced said, that it was not currently possible to set the password with the .lando.yml file and the author suggested leaving it blank. The sample code I had looked like this:
If I tried to give it a password in the .lando.yml file and it didn't work. But, I found another sample .lando.yml file that defined the database without setting creds. It looked like this:
So, then I created the environment without trying to specify a user, password, and database name. The username, password, and database name were set automatically and I was able to access them with
Then I entered these credentials in the CiviCRM installation page and it worked.
NOTE: To install CiviCRM
1) Add the CiviCRM package to the modules directory and then
2) Go to this page. http://{}/modules/civicrm/install/index.php?civicrm_install_type=backdrop
As per instructions found here.