It looks like that field must be of type "number" and be limited to one value like you see in the image above. The "number of values" fieldset should be on the content type's manage fields page, e.g. "admin/structure/types/manage/<content-type>/fields/<field-of-type-mailchimp-subscription>".
I would check the manage field page to make sure it is set to one for the number of values allowed.
Thanks! The site was on PHP 7.0. With assistance from my hosting provider, I updated to PHP 7.4 and now I have access to the site again. No database re-import required.
The best you can do is test and report. If you find a contrib that doesn't work in php 8.3, create an issue in its queue so it gets fixed.
In my experience, I've found that 7.4 is safest...
Posted6 days 14 hours ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
Hi argiepiano,
Some contrib will not work in php 7.2 or lower, and some will not on PHP 8.1 or higher.
Is there a way to find out which is the optimal PHP version for a...
Posted6 days 14 hours ago by Antony Milenkov (amilenkov) on:
This sounds like a combination of a buggy module and the "wrong" version of PHP. The fact that you are being redirected to the maintenance page may be an indication that your site was put on...
Posted6 days 15 hours ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
The specific error you are seeing comes from
It looks like that field must be of type "number" and be limited to one value like you see in the image above. The "number of values" fieldset should be on the content type's manage fields page, e.g. "admin/structure/types/manage/<content-type>/fields/<field-of-type-mailchimp-subscription>".
I would check the manage field page to make sure it is set to one for the number of values allowed.