Lazy how-to question for people who've created contrib or core layouts - what do you use to make the layout icon? Is there significance to the size of white space around the block regions?
I can confirm that I attempted to install this (UserPoints module) on a fresh site and got a fatal (white screen) error.
Checking to see if we can unpublish this module from backdropcms...
I wouldn't bet it's fully functional. There are a few issues in the queue, and B-org reports only 1 active install. Who knows, just give it a try. The maintainer is still active in the community...
Posted8 hours 9 min ago by Alejandro Cremaschi (argiepiano) on:
I've not created contrib or core layouts but a few custom layouts. For the icon, I changed the appearance of an existing one like using a graphics editor.
Regarding the white space around the block regions, I'm not sure. Personally, I'd try to visualize the regions not exactly but only approximately.